Local Action
Edinburgh Greens members are active in most areas of the city, and welcome non-members who support our campaigns. Find your nearest Green team here.

Young Greens
Lothian Young Greens (EYG) are a self-organising group that welcome anyone living in Edinburgh or Lothian up to the age of 30, as well as students of any age. Is this you?

Representative Groups
Set up to encourage greater participation amongst groups that are currently under-represented within the membership.

Edinburgh Greens are active all year round, working to support our party’s commitment to social, economic and environmental justice. Learn more about the many ways you can help build the Green movement in the city.

Join Us
Not a member of the Scottish Green Party yet? Join us today to be part of the growing movement that is changing Scotland.

The Greens are a people-powered movement. Unlike other parties, we don’t have corporate backing or large donations. That’s why every single donation made by our members and supporters is valued.
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