Edinburgh Greens is a branch of the Scottish Green Party which incorporates the Edinburgh and West Lothian local council areas.
Its membership includes all members from within this region. We successfully campaigned for two Green MSPs to be elected to represent Lothian in the Scottish Parliament in 2021, and have eight Green councillors sitting on the City of Edinburgh Council.
Quick links
- News, Blogs and Events Calendar
- Elected representatives contact details and background
- Contact details for Edinburgh Greens
- Details of how to join or support our work through donations
- How you can get involved with Edinburgh Greens
- Who our current committee members are
- Details of our local teams spread across the city and West Lothian.
You can also read our manifesto for the 2017 City of Edinburgh Council elections which gives a flavour of our policy priorities.
And for Green geeks, here’s a short history of the Scottish Green Party.