Edinburgh Branch Meeting: Making the most of conference
In-person and/or onlineThis branch meeting will help members get to grips with why conference is important, how it works and how they can take part.
This branch meeting will help members get to grips with why conference is important, how it works and how they can take part.
Part of the Critical Mass movement, Edinburgh cyclists bike together in solidarity every last Saturday of the month, meeting at 2pm on Middle Meadow Walk.
12-5pm: arts clothes and books market. 7pm: Screening of 'Foragers'. 100% of proceeds to Gaza fundraisers.
All are welcome to attend to discuss Edinburgh’s City Centre.
Scottish Greens' Green Yes group meets regularly online. All members are welcome.
This is the monthly meeting of the Edinburgh Greens branch committee. Non-committee members are welcome to attend as observers.
Scottish National Demo - Edinburgh Gaza Genocide Emergency Committee.
15 of Europe’s autonomy and independence movements come together in Edinburgh to map out a future for Europe based on decentralisation and greater democracy.
Each month, members can join Edinburgh Green Councillors on Zoom to talk about issues coming up at Edinburgh Council, topical news, political shenanigans and anything else that’s on your mind.
The monthly meeting of the West Edinburgh team covers Almond, Drum Brae/Gyle and Corstorphine/Murrayfield council wards. We also welcome Pentland/Ratho ward members.