Edinburgh’s ‘Future Streets’ policy and the place of cycling

Augustine United Church 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh

Spokes public meeting to give you the chance to hear about the ‘Future Streets’ policy, which incorporates the Circulation Plan, the Active Travel Action Plan (ATAP), and the City Centre Transformation, and to tell the Council what you think.

What are the Council’s plans for city centre traffic?


What are the City of Edinburgh Council plans for city centre traffic? What will they mean for everyday walking and wheeling? Join Living Streets Edinburgh to hear a short presentation from Daisy Narayanan with Q&A.

Edinburgh’s Women Gather

Edinburgh City Chambers 253 High Street, Edinburgh

Have you thought what it would be like to stand for elected office and represent your community? Would you like to know more about the support available from other women? If so, come along to this event form Elect Her.

Blooming Mad in Bloomers

Middle Meadow Walk (Meadows Compass) North Meadow Walk, Edinburgh

InfraSisters International Women's Day ride starts at Middle Meadow Walk, goes around the city centre, and finishes at The Causey in the Southside of Edinburgh.

Proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill

Scottish Government Consultation Hub

Consultation on new proposals led, by Patrick Harvie as Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, to make new laws around the heating systems that can be used in homes and places of work. Deadline 8 March 2024. There are online events on 25 and 29 February.