Edinburgh University Greens are the Scottish Green Party society for students at The University of Edinburgh and are open to students of any age. We are organised as a student society, part of the Edinburgh University Students’ Association.

We want to make Green politics more accessible to young people, facilitate their political development, campaign on issues important to them and provide a space to socialise and discuss Green politics with like-minded people.
You can meet the present committee below:
Who can join?
We welcome students of all ages at the University of Edinburgh to join us. You can pick up a free membership to the society on the Students’ Association website.
Young members, and students at other Edinburgh Universities are welcome to nearly all of our events – however Students’ Association rules mean that only University of Edinburgh students may take part in certain events, such as our Annual General Meeting.
How can I get involved?
The society regularly hosts formal and social events.
Recent events have included a tour of Edinburgh Council, a crafitivsm session, discussing the housing crisis with Living Rent and SLURP – Students for Action on Homelessness, talks with local elected representatives, pub nights, and campaigning for Green candidates during the general election and council by-elections.
Be sure sure to follow us on Instagram for the latest updates!
- We also have an active WhatsApp group to build community – send us a message if you’d like to join!
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