
Some Edinburgh Greens fundraisers

Auction promo graphic with painting ladder and equipment, comic performer, lush layered cakes, stem of raspberries, abstract design quilt and yacht sailing.

Auction of Promises

There’s always a fantastic array of promises and treats in our annual seasonal fundraiser.

Bidding for the 2024 Auction of Promises has now closed

Big Burns Night In with image of Robert Burns

Big Burns Night In

Our 2021 lockdown extravaganza lifted spirits in hard times. We shared Burns suppers, listened to some class acts, had a blether and a laugh. Funds raised went our Holyrood election campaign.

Light sabres at the ready, stash your sonic screwdriver and muster your fellowship - GeekFest 2020, Online, Saturday 18th April


Leith & Leith Walk Greens’ GeekFest – a quiz covering all things geeky. Optional superhero costumes and more.

GeekFest returned for a third year online in 2020 to raise funds for Leith Food Bank and our Craigentinny-Duddingston by-election campaign.

Two girls with bird masks on made out of paper plates

Meadows Festival

South-East Edinburgh Greens’ ran three stalls 2016-2018, selling bric-a-brac, clothes and home-made goods for our election campaigns.

There was always stuff for people to do at the stall, like making your own bird mask, guessing a plot on the moon and lucky dip.

Autumn Ceilidh Night with Garster's Dream. Traditional Scots Music and Easy-to-Learn Dances

Ceilidh Nights

Fundraising ceilidhs always go down well with local bands, a bar and raffle.