
Green councillors welcome Climate Commission proposals on Green Recovery

Green councillors have warmly welcomed a new report on a Green Recovery from Coronavirus but warned that the test lies in translating good ideas into real action.

The report by the independent Edinburgh Climate Commission was presented to senior councillors today, including Green councillor Steve Burgess who said:

“The Edinburgh Climate Commission proposals for a Green Recovery are very welcome. The report outlines how Edinburgh can confront the twin challenges of recovering from the coronavirus crisis but in a way that also meets the target to be a zero carbon city by 2030.

“A Green Recovery is a win-win. It creates tens of thousands of jobs and new skills at a time when the city’s economy has been hard-hit, with investment which pays for itself over 10-12 years. That’s investment in clean green transport and in walking and cycling; in energy efficient homes and workplaces; in harnessing the city’s wonderful green and public spaces to improve health; and in delivering new ways of flexible working. And I’m pleased to see that there’s a thumbs up for a 20 minute city concept – placing vital services within easy walking reach after decades of relentless centralisation of community facilities.”

He added:

“So far so good. But making it happen is what matters. That needs commitment from national not just local government. And from the whole city not just the council. The test lies not just in the Climate Commission’s own report but in how it shifts thinking in other strategies – the City Plan, City Region Deal, the council’s budget, to name just a few. The Commission is independent of the council but it includes the council leader and chief executive in its membership. So all eyes will now be on translating good ideas into real actions. Green councillors will be pushing them at every turn.

“A Green Recovery for Edinburgh is the city’s chance to lead the way.”

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