North Edinburgh & Leith

North Edinburgh & Leith (NEL) Greens are active in the Forth, Leith and Leith Walk wards.

Eight campaigners, one holding a 'Vote like our future depends on it - Vote Green' placard
North Edinburgh & Leith campaigners on the trail during the 2022 Edinburgh Council election

Your local Greens

NEL sub-branch (Greens Persevere) covers three council wards – Leith, Leith Walk and Forth. The team meets on the second Monday of every month, blending in-person meetings with online remote access and organises less formal social meetings which you can find on the branch calendar.

We welcome new members and non-member supporters who want to see a fairer, greener world.

View our upcoming events here >

You don’t have to attend meetings to be involved. Can you help deliver printed materials in your area? Would you like to join one of our campaigns, or help with fundraising? We’d love to hear from you – get in touch!

Contact the team

The sub-branch sends out monthly emails to members with news of meetings, events and campaign action.

Contact us via email: and follow on Twitter, Mastodon and Facebook.

Volunteer, join, donate

We’re always looking for volunteers to help us make Edinburgh a greener and fairer city. If you’d like to get involved in our campaigns locally, please email, or find out how to volunteer more widely in the city here.

You don’t have to be a Scottish Green Party member to be active with the local group, but of course we would urge all our supporters to consider joining. Join the Scottish Green Party here.

We always need help with funds for campaigning. Please donate if you can; or if you have a fundraising idea, email us.

Your local councillors