Here are the terms of use for Edinburgh Greens’ social media platforms.
- Comply with the social media platform’s terms of use, as well as these terms of use
- Be kind and respectful to other users of our social media channels
- Remember that you are wholly responsible for any content you post including content that you share
- Be careful about your and others privacy in anything you post
- Let us know if you are concerned about anything you see on our social media
- Attack or discriminate against anyone on the basis of their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, belief or disability
- Bully, harass or intimidate any person or organisation
- Use offensive, abusive or obscene language or imagery
- Post anything unlawful or in violation of any intellectual property rights
- Spread false information or any information that you are not sure of
- Spam or troll our social media accounts (post persistent negative or abusive posts designed to provoke a response)
- Post personal information, such as phone numbers or addresses
- Share details about your personal experiences, in order to protect your privacy and the privacy of others
It is Edinburgh Green’s decision if a post or profile is inappropriate and how to act. We will remove, in whole or in part, posts which we feel break our house rules, and block or ban users who repeatedly break them.
We reserve the right to modify or change these terms of use at any time.
Last updated: 15 October 2022